Year 2000 (Y2K) Disclosure By Public Listed Companies

BackJul 27, 1999
General Announcement
Reference No RP-990727-DC858
Stock Name : RPB
Date Announced : 27/07/1999

Type : Announcement

Contents :

1. Details of your company and subsidiaries' progress in relation to its activities to address the Y2K issue.

Y2K Ready [ ]

Non Y2K Ready [ X ]

Status as at 22 July 1999 - Non Y2K ready

Description of Criticality of systemStatus of readiness Estimated dateRemarks
Non Y2K System(critical or not critical)(at which stage &being Y2K ready
percentage of completion)

1.1 AS 400 Travel Not critical In process of implementation End September
Accounting System (testing completed)

1.2 AS 400 Hotel Not critical In process of implementationEnd September
Reservation System (testing completed)

2. The impact of the Y2K issue if your company and/or subsidiaries fail to be Y2K Ready or are unable to achieve full readiness by the estimated date(s) mentioned above.

No impact [ ]

Yes [ X ]

The details of the impact are as follows:-

2.1 Affects the accounting records of company.

2.2 Affects the business operation in the aspect of hotel reservation.

3. The exposure of your company and/or subsidiaries to third parties who have material business relationships with your company or subsidiaries in relation to the third parties' Y2K readiness.

No exposure [ ]

Yes [ X ]

The detail of the exposure is as follows:-

Exposure to third parties are minimal as there are minimal as there are no direct interface with their computer. We are exposed to the Airline Reservation System for tickets reservation.

4. The total cost your company and subsidiaries have incurred or is expected to incur to address the Y2K issue.


5. Describe your company and subsidiaries' contingency plans in relation to the Y2K issue to ensure continued operations.

No contigency plans [ ]

Yes [ X ]

We had a contigency plans in place

5.1 Backing up of data accounting records.

5.2 All relevant staff leave are freezed from 28 December to 5 January 2000.